What are Keyword Match Type and How to Use it?

 Keywords are a group of words which we also call search term. Whatever we type in google to explore some information it is called keywords. But in google ads, there are 5 different match types of keywords available it help control which search terms can trigger your ad. It is must to know about keyword match types before running a campaign if you don't you may burn your money. So let's explore some more information about each keyword match types:

  • Broad Match: Using broad match you can show your ad to a wide audience. You just have to simply put your keywords without using any sort of symbols. For you want to show your ad on a digital marketing course you can put your keyword as it is. But you use it wisely because it can burn your money. You should make a negative keyword list and upload it in your account if you wish to use broad match.
  • Phrase Match: Using phrase match is can limit your ads to trigger. To use phrase match you have to use syntax like " " for example if your keyword is digital marketing course so If you want your ad to show only for those keywords which include a digital marketing course in same sequence then you have to use phrase match like "digital marketing course".
  • Exact Match: It will completely narrow your audience. To use the exact match you have to use the keyword as here explained [digital marketing course]. for example, if my keyword is a digital marketing course and I am using in phrase match then my ad will show only when any user will search digital marketing course.
  • Broad Match Modifier: Most people prefer to use a broad match modifier because of its infallible broad audience targeting with your conditions. You can use it by using + before any compulsory keyword. For example: if your keyword is +digital +marketing +course it means a user search query must include these words with + sign to see your ad.
  • Negative: You can not run a campaign without using negative keywords. Negative keywords are to prevent your ad to show on those keywords which includes your negative keywords. for example, if you added a negative keyword like "job" in your ad account and the user search query is a digital marketing job then your ad will not trigger.

Learning about keywords match types can not be ignored. If you want practical sessions then you must visit Adzentrix which is a digital marketing institute in laxmi nagar and it provides the best PPC course in Delhi. I hope you have carefully gone through this content. It will be helpful for increasing ROI through PPC campaigns.
